

  • 2010: ASSOVIB foundation
  • 2010: contribution to the first issue of ABI “Guidelines for property assessment as guarantees for credit exposure”
  • 2014: joined TEGoVA Board of Directors
  • 2014: joined European Mortgage Federation (EMF) valuation committee
  • 2014: joined PSI Alliance
  • 2015: updated ABI “Guidelines for property assessment as guarantee for credit exposure”
  • 2016: joined the International Ethics Standard (IES) Coalition
  • 2016: contributed to TEGoVA for the drafting of EVS 2016 (European Valuation Standards)
  • 2016: joined TEGoVA EVSB (European Valuation Standard Board)
  • 2017: Confirmation in the Board of Directors of TEGoVA
  • 2018: Contribution to the Guidelines for the evaluation of properties to guarantee non-performing loans

Working tables

ASSOVIB is a permanent member of the board set up by ABI (Italian Banking Association) in relation to its Guidelines and contributes to the following:

    • checking the compliance to international standards and the pertinence of the valuation methods set out in the Guidelines;
    • further promoting the overall quality of the valuation process for real estate collateral offered to banks in relation to mortgage lending;
    • improving the availability and accessibility of raw data relating to purchase prices, which are fundamental to the improvement of transparency in the Italian property market

ASSOVIB also contributed to the work table promoted by ABI, which gave life Guidelines for the evaluation of properties to guarantee non-performing loans (NPL)which involved the main associations and professional associations representing the sector

Developed projects/consultations

Interventions in panels and conferences

  • RE Italy – Silvia Cappelli – Milan, 25.05.2017
  • Active Management of impaired loans (NPL) – Silvia Cappelli – Rome, 11.05.2017
  • The Italian Market in a global context – Federica Selleri – Cannes, 16.03.2017
  • RE Italy Winter Forum – Silvia Cappelli – Milano, 19.01.2017
  • Valutazioni Immobiliari/Cultura&Mercato del Real Estate – Silvia Cappelli, Francesco Simone – Mantova, 14.10.2016
  • European Valuation Standards 2016 – Silvia Cappelli – Milano, 16.06.2016
  • RE Italy – Silvia Cappelli – Milano, 08.06.2016
  • RE Italy Winter Forum – Silvia Cappelli – Milano, 07.01.2016

International activities

  • Assemblea, Board Meeting – TEGoVA – Marsiglia, 26-28.10.2017
  • Board – EVSB – 2.10.2017
  • Valuation Commitee – EMF – Varignana (BO), 8.05.2017
  • Board Meeting, Election of the Board – TEGoVA – Belgrado, 20-23.04.2017
  • Board – EVSB – Bruxelles, 12.04.2017
  • Board – EVSB – Bruxelles, 19.10.2017
  • Meeting – TEGoVA – Malahide (Dublino) – 20-22.10.2016
  • Meeting – TEGoVA – Bruxelles – 14.05.2016
  • Meeting – TEGoVA – Thessaloniki – 8-11.10.2015


    • Member of the Tecnoborsa Scientific Committee
    • Member of UNI
    • Member Board TEGoVA
    • Supporter to the International Ethics Standards Coalition  IES


  • Observer Member of European Mortgage Federation  emf