·       The European Conference on Real Estate Valuations TEGoVA (The European Group of Valuers’ Association) organized by ASSOVIB (Association of Real Estate Valuations Companies) took place in Bologna.

·       Participating, in addition to the managing members of TEGoVA and ASSOVIB, are representatives of ABI (Italian Banking Association), EFRAG (European Financial Reporting Advisory Group), EMF (European Mortgage Federation), Nomisma, SDA Bocconi and the Municipality of Bologna

·       The meeting aims to bring to attention key data, analyzes on the EPBD (Energy Performance of Building Directive) and in general the legislation relating to “green buildings” to provide technical professionals and evaluators with tools for understanding the market real estate from an ESG perspective

·       In a phase of strong discontinuity with the past, new possibilities open up that must be collected and cultivated with a multidisciplinary perspective to keep up with this new cultural revolution

·       The availability of reliable, comparable and granular data based on advanced technological tools is fundamental


Bologna, 6 October 2023 – The TEGoVA (The European Group of Valuers’ Association) European Valuation Conference “The Road to 2050” was held today in Bologna.

The event, which took place in person as well as in streaming, was organized by ASSOVIB – Association of Real Estate Valuation Companies, and supported by CERVED, CRIF Services, ISIVI (Italian Institute of Real Estate Valuation, QUALIS, ARC Real Estate, e-valuations (Institute of Estimation and Evaluation), FIABCI Italia (International Real Estate Federation) and SPF (Studio Progetti Finanziari), with the patronage of the Order of Engineers of Bologna.

The interesting meeting, moderated by Federica Selleri Vice President of ASSOVIB, member of the European Valuation Standard Board TEGoVA and Director Property Valuation CRIF Real Estate Services, was attended by numerous speakers from the most prestigious institutions, regulatory bodies, academic and research bodies at national and European and represents a unique and high-standing opportunity on the ongoing debate regarding sustainability in the real estate sector with a focus on market impacts and real estate valuations deriving from the most recent European legislation in the sector, in particular the EPBD (Energy Performance of Buildings Directive).

Luca Bertalot, Secretary General of EMF – European Mortgage Federation, therefore brought their precious contribution to the event; Angelo PeppettiABI Credit and Development Office Contact; Luca Bonaccorsi – Member of the “Sustainability Reporting Technical Expert Group” EFRAG; Marco MarcatiliNomisma Development Manager; Michele Calcaterra Senior Lecturer Corporate Finance SDA Bocconi; Michael MacBrien, Advisor to TEGoVA. The deputy mayor of the Municipality of Bologna Emily Marion Clancy also spoke, testifying to the importance of the topic for the city hosting the meeting. In addition to the President of TEGoVA Krzysztof Grzesik, Silvia Cappelli, Head of International Relations for ASSOVIB, Member of the Board of TEGoVA and Executive Director of CRIF, also spoke to open the proceedings and draw conclusions.

“Starting from the assumption that sustainability in the real estate sector is becoming increasingly important and involves stakeholders at all levels, from institutional investors to asset managers, from individual appraisers to valuation companies” declares Roberta Brunelli President of ASSOVIB, “It has been found that a gradual shift in market demand, increasingly focused on sustainable solutions, and growing regulatory pressure are pushing the real estate sector to reconsider its strategic positioning”.

“In particular, the European Green Deal and the sector regulations for buildings are defining new parameters and rules for the evaluation of properties in terms of value and risk for investors and financial institutions. Evaluators are required to have increasingly multidisciplinary and intersectoral skills in a continuously and rapidly evolving scenario. However, these skills must also be supported by advanced and structured technological solutions, thus increasing the complexity of the profession” states Federica Selleri, Vice President of ASSOVIB.

The conclusions of Silvia Cappelli, Head of International Relations at ASSOVIB, therefore led us to agree that the debate is still in its infancy and the evidence on the market is still difficult to quantify. But attention remains high and essential given the importance that real estate represents in the economic and financial system and for the choices that will have to be made from now on in terms of the impact of investments and financing.

Company profile

ASSOVIB is the association that represents companies that offer independent real estate valuation services.
ASSOVIB maintains the specific focus on real estate valuation and independence from other sectors and interests. ASSOVIB aims to promote and spread the professional culture of independent real estate evaluation aimed at putting processes that guarantee objectivity and transparency of evaluation at the service of the main operators in the sector. ASSOVIB provides the banking system with robust and transparent processes that are a valid tool for risk mitigation and stabilization of market values. ASSOVIB’s activity is carried out both by establishing ethical principles and by implementing in-depth scientific and technical appraisal initiatives, also in collaboration with institutions, organizations and other market players.

For further details write to: info@assovib.it



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